Mise en place et fonctionnement de Ecommerce Booster

Setup and configuration of the module Ecommerce Boosters

You just subscribed to a Profileo service.

We offer you a tutorial that will allow you to quickly setup and use our tracking module "Ecommerce Booster".


Ecommerce Boosters in a few words :

  • It allows you to centralize your services
  • You keep a history of the exchanges : transparency in communication
  • View synthetic consumption your of CTs
  • It allows access to the different Profileo services 


Setup of the module

Please note that the screenshots are from an installation on a version 1.6 of Prestashop. On the other versions, layout, look and feel and names used in the menus and other elements of the back office can vary a little bit. The way to proceed, however, remains the same.

Note : the module does not work on the version 1.4 of prestashop. In this case you can access the direct link :




Classical Installation

  • Log in to your back office

  • Go to the module section

  • Click on "Add a new module"

    The following screen shows :

  • Click on "Choose a file"
    Then go to the folder containing the zip E-commerce Booster. Select the file eo_ecommerceboosters.zip

  • Load the module
  • Install :
    In some cases you will have to search the module among the other modules. If it does not appear, check that the filters are set as below

There is no configuration to perform on the module.

An icon of a "doctor puffin" is now displayed in the bottom right of your backoffice :

logo ecommerce booster



And now ?